
Ed Kirwan

Ed Kirwan

Helping baby boomers to build and grow your online business with simple marketing techniques. Strike while the iron is hot - forge ahead with The Anvil weekly newsletter.

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[EdK] What a bloomin' nightmare!

Hello Reader, It was a complete nightmare the other night. Well, it would have been if I wasn't quite so long in the tooth! You see, after updating Traffic Triumvirate, I was fiddling around on my website and in the back office, I can only imagine that in my somewhat sleepy state, I clicked the wrong thing ... AND OOOPS!!! I managed to destroy hundreds of cloaked links in one fell swoop. "DISASTER!" you might think, but no. I quietly told my wife that I'd be a little late for supper and got...

6 days ago • 1 min read

After taking Chico out for his morning bike ride I got in the garden, planted some garlic and did a bit of weeding. BTW: Chico, if you don't know is our bouncy, barky bundle of hair that thinks he's a dog but walks like a polar bear. After that, I prepared what should be a pretty good lunch - a Chinese style meal with chicken, various fresh vegetables and a thick, fruity sauce. These activities are my pleasure and what I enjoy doing. And I can do these things because I don't have to work the...

16 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Today could be the day where absolutely everything changes for you … if you take action. Let me clarify that statement. Only you can change your circumstances so if you are just reading this email hoping for something miraculous to happen, I hate to disappoint you , but nothing will, unless you take action. So, today, while I was pottering about the garden this morning, enjoying some gentle and much needed rain, I thought, that will give the young plants a welcome boost. I also...

20 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, I hope you saw it already but if not ... Yesterday I sent over a short video with a fella named Dave and after walking Chico (our adopted Japanese Spitz) and Missaman This little chap adopted us one cool Christmas evening and he loves going for a walk with us. ... anyway... I got thinking that the video is so extraordinarily powerful and I’m pretty sure you’ll get a lot out of it, that I thought I’d remind you about it. You see, I’ve seen just about everything there is to see in...

21 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Things were looking rough out there for a time. Usually, I’m a pretty optimistic person but when I lost my house and ability to work as a farrier all in the space of a few weeks ... it was rough. Like a lot of people, I just didn't have a Plan B. I don’t want you to be one of those people, so ... If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a quick second to share a little more of my story with you. In 2009, I began this feverish search for a way to make an income with an online business....

23 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, I'll confess, I was a little excited to get this out to you and I may have overcooked the egg! Anyway, after the Easter break, I trust you are now feeling recharged, refreshed, and ready to tackle what lies ahead. Spring is not just a time for renewal in nature, it's also a fantastic time to rejuvenate your own marketing strategies. That's where Traffic Triumvirate comes into play. It's like spring cleaning your traffic strategy. Sweeping away the old and bringing in the fresh....

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hey there Reader, It was my birthday yesterday and if you were paying attention, I messed up by sending 2 days of emails at the same time! Apologies for that, but hey, nobody's perfect and it doesn't matter as long as you got them, that's the main thing, right? (You can read all 5 emails here by the way.) That said, today is the final day of this mini-course, and yet it's just the beginning of your journey with us. So, let's delve into simplifying social media for your business and outline...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hey there Reader, We’re halfway through our enlightening journey. I hope you are enjoying it! Today, I want to spotlight a personal game-changer - a done-for-you funnel. In my opinion, it's the ultimate time and money saver! You bypass all the usual hurdles of online marketing: no more stress over hosting fees, customer support, content creation, or website management. In a nutshell, a done-for-you funnel, is a solution that streamlines your path to success, and saves you a mile of time and a...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hey there Reader, Welcome to Day 4 of our journey together! Today, we're diving into the incredible flexibility and the exciting opportunity to leverage co-branded funnels for exponential growth. You see, you have the freedom to promote anything you want with Super Funnel Academy. You're not limited to promoting just our products. Whether it's your own creation or an affiliate product you believe in, our platform supports your vision. Freedom This freedom means you can align your marketing...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Welcome to Day 2 of your exclusive mini-course ! (Missed Day 1? - Read it here) If you’ve anything like me, I bet you've felt overwhelmed by the complexities of online marketing, and if so, today’s insights are tailored just for you. The Power of the System Imagine a world where 99% of your online marketing work is done for you. That’s not a dream—it’s a reality with our system. It is designed to handle the technical heavy lifting, drive traffic directly to your ecosystem, and provide...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read
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